Sunday, October 19, 2008


Realizing I wasn't going to Paris for Thanksgiving this year, I went on a French blog search and found AUREA, a Paris-based blog sharing the most wonderful images and discoveries. It is there that I found and was smitten with Warmi. From Franco-Colombian Sylvia Sanchez, Warmi is a wonderfully feminine and unique collection of knits. Look at these pieces ...

D, let's meet later this week. You have to teach me how to knit!!!


D-in-Gotham said...

You know how to knit! I'm working on a green scarf, it's a project that's been going on - one year so far, little progress.

Bummer about Paris, I'm sorry...but that means you'll be in town!

santos. said...

i think i may actually have the pattern for that bottom braid thing, there was something similar in an old vogue knitting. love the top scarf/capelet.